My name is Kristin and this blog is for all readers, writers, and dreamers. I absolutely love to read and I can fantasize about fictional worlds all day, so I created this blog to bring some of those daydreams to life. During the day, I am a middle school ELA teacher. Besides reading, I also love to write, draw, and hike!
On this blog, you will find fictional worlds and characters discussed with detail. The "Food Inspired" option is any food or drinks inspired by books. Some of the recipes are mentioned explicitly in the text and others are merely inspired by that world.
The "Character Comparisons" option is where I bring characters out of their worlds and compare them to other characters in completely different books or series. For me, the characters are why I read books so I love to break down their development and see similarities among my favorite characters. I contemplate whether these characters would be friends or enemies in real life.
Finally, I am making my own fictional world come to life. I am currently writing a sequel book to my first novel and I am sharing my own writing process. I'll provide snippets from my first novel and how I developed my own fantasy world and characters.
Any suggestions on new recipes or character comparisons are always welcomed! Enjoy and I hope I am able to bring your own book daydreams to life.